
Posts Tagged ‘finances’

Don’t you love the sound of moving water? Waves gently lapping on the shore, a mountain stream tumbling over rocks, summer rain hitting a tin roof: there’s something about the sound of flowing water that gives the soul a gentle rest.

A while back David and I designed a fountain using a watering can and a tin tub. A small pump pushes the water up through a hose which is tucked into the watering can. The watering can sprinkles water into the tub making the soothing sound of rain. Oh how I love it. When we first came up with this idea we were in our “forever home” and assembled the fountain in the front yard. Neighbors would stop as they walked by to study how our engineering marvel worked. If we noticed them we’d step outside and point out the black hose which was hidden in plain sight. It’s funny how some things aren’t visible unless you’re looking for them.

When we thought we had sold our house and moved into this little rental, we took our fountain apart and tucked the pieces in the shed. There was no reason to reassemble it since this was only a temporary residence. When the sale of the other house fell through and the bottom dropped out of the economy, we also found ourselves unemployed and waiting on next. About a month ago God brought about an amazing turn of events. The perfect job opened up for my sweet David. But the best part is that we get to call this little temporary residence home now. Finally it felt right to set up our fountain again.

Just look at her pour!ftn

I love Matthew 11:28-30. Beside it I wrote the date May 7, 2014 and a note which says, “during a long night of worry.” So much sickness and financial strain. By then we had been jobless for seven months. But the Lord reminded me that night that He can be trusted to bear my burdens and gently teach me in the process.

“Then Jesus said, ‘Come to Me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you. Let Me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.’”

We moved here eight years ago and the whole time I’ve been thinking temporary. “Don’t get too attached” I warned myself. Now suddenly I’m free to enjoy the lovely little home the Lord provided. It was hiding in plain sight. How funny that we didn’t think we’d be here very long. Now I am allowing myself to do the dance of joy. My fountain is out and making a beautiful sound as it softly splashes a happy song.

“You’re home my dear. Listen and find rest for your wandering soul. What’s that? You have to tinkle again? Well bless your heart.”

Thank You dear Lord for my sweet little fountain, for indoor plumbing, and for my home.

There’s just no place like it!ftn 2

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“Oh no! What about the J-turn?! Y’all do NOT want a Jeep! Those things turn over way too easy.” That’s what my mama heart cried when our daughter Steph and hubby Jeff bought their first new vehicle. They were so excited. Lots of adventure was in their future! They’d get safari hats and bandanas and hit the road with the top down. Somewhere in the far reaches of my brain was tucked an article about the dreaded J-turn so all I could think about was the Jeep tipping over if they took a corner too fast. Then one day they showed up at my door and Jeff took me for a ride. OH HOW FUN! Next thing I knew I was shopping for bumper stickers like this:allthingsjeep_2270_200237989

On New Year’s Day I was asking the Lord for help for the coming year. I asked Him again to turn things around for us. You see, we’ve just finished one whole year without employment. One. Whole. Year. No unemployment benefits, no regular paycheck, just God’s blessings as needed. It’s been a very slow process and quite miraculous. So many people have been so good to us. “Give us this day our daily bread” has been answered day by day, month by month, until finally the year is finished with all bills paid.

Instead of a quick fix, He’s taking us on a wide berth it seems. No J-turns. I guess He knows we’d likely get dumped on our heads. So slowly but surely our path is directed by His kind shepherding heart. No whip. No scolding. No driving of His sheep. Just a gentle still small voice.

Sometimes my heart feels like screaming “Just get on with it already!”

But He doesn’t.

He’s the Shepherd.

I am not.

Here’s the prayer I prayed way back in January 2013, before David lost his job the following fall. From Psalm 69:14-17: “…pull me from these deep waters… answer my prayers, O LORD, for Your unfailing love is wonderful. Take care of me, for your mercy is so plentiful… don’t hide from Your servant; answer me quickly, for I am in deep trouble!”  In the margin I wrote, “Please turn things around for us Lord. We need a miracle.” I dated it 1.7.13 and went back to it often to remind myself to trust Him. I remember feeling like the water was up to my nose as I stood on my tippy toes trying to catch a breath.

Later that year our house would be foreclosed on and all the equity we built in our forty years of marriage was lost. Our lawyer advised us to file chapter 7 bankruptcy to protect us from crazy new tax laws. Skin cancer added to the fear, financial burden and embarrassment. Job and ministry loss followed.

But here we are.

Neither of us has gone hungry… obviously. We live in a cute little house just right for the two of us. The doctor got all the cancer and my nose grew back. There’s even toilet tissue to spare.

OH. MY. DEAR. SWEET. LORD! The wonderful provision and care You’ve given us is amazing! “Many will see what the Lord has done and be amazed! They will put their trust in the LORD.” –Psalm 40:3b

And that’s why I’m sharing our troubles… for without trouble, there’s no need for faith. When we can do it all ourselves, why ask God for help?

So we look to Him and trust, “You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance!” –Psalm 65:11

As we enter the new year I feel the Lord reminding us to stay strong. We answer, “Yes Lord! We’ve travelled a bumpy road before. But would You PUH-LEEEEZE watch out for the J-turns?”

We grab our hats and jump in. I feel His smile as He seems to say,

“Hang on! Let’s try something!”

Jeff's Jeep with a Blueridge View

Jeff’s Jeep with a Blueridge View

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Christmas this year was, shall we say… interesting. My mama heart hurt since there was no money to buy gifts. None. But how could I complain since God had so sweetly taken care of us through the previous year of unemployment? Of course I found a way. [To complain that is.]

Annyyywayyy…  I tried to suck it up and count my blessings, but when you’ve got five grandchildren and such sweet friends and family, how can you celebrate Christmas without giving?

So we set about trying to make something out of nothing. If necessity is the mother of invention, then hold the phone Alexander. The world is about to see the brainchild we call Christmas in Clarkville.

My sister was in the midst of a move and asked one day last fall if I’d like a couple cans of white spray paint. I knew I did, though it wasn’t until December that I knew why. We had the other materials on hand so my best friend Ann received a Queen Ann’s Lace shed quilt. David and I had a lot of fun designing and painting this for our beloved friend. I’m just glad she’s not partial to color.photo 2

My sweet mom-in-law bought me pumpkin and cranberries back around Thanksgiving just because she’s nice like that. So we gave our Life Group Cranberry Pumpkin Bread. Here’s the recipe. You may have to hang on to that til next year since I think she bought all they had.

Our adult kids are so sweet and unspoiled that they understand the non-gifting. The hard part was coming up with something for the grands. I saw a pattern on Pinterest for an apron made of a pair of old blue jeans. Since our Texas daughter is always crafting with her almost three year old, I decided an apron would be perfect. I dusted off the old Sears sewing machine and got to work. How we’d mail it to him would have to be worked out later. The same morning, the local grands and their mom Hannah stopped by. Scissors and pins were just being gathered out of their reach when there was a knock at the door.

My cold heart grumbled, “Good grief. My house is such a wreck. I’m still in my pajamas with the bedspread pattern on my face. Who is knocking on my door?!” Then this happened. Click here to see my big Surprise!

Well, now I don’t have to worry about shipping costs. Holy cow! What a shock your socks off surprise! As you can tell from the video, I’m gasping for breath at the sight of my sweet Texas children. Good thing I am always Last Minute Lynna so the apron never got mailed. It was HUGE next to sweet baby Able. I hope he’s still into crafts when he’s thirteen. Maybe I’ll have it finished by then.

Then two days before Christmas, someone handed David fifty bucks and said “Merry Christmas.” The sweet man went on iTunes and scheduled $10 gift cards for our teen granddaughters in Illinois and handed the rest to me. On Christmas Eve, of all days, I took that and $10 Kohl’s cash and bought my mom-in-law a scarf, my hubby some Jelly Bellys, and the three grandbabies sticker books from the Dollar Tree. Heading to check-out with money to spare, when what to my wondering eyes did appear?

APRONS! Cute colorful toddler sized aprons! One dollar apiece!

I literally skipped out of the store right past my truck because I can never remember where I park. Happy Happy Joy Joy!!!

Christmas is never what I plan. Kinda like life. How boring would that be! Thank the good Lord He always keeps things interesting!

Yes. Thank the good Lord.

Able in his apron with his new sticker book

Able in his apron with his new sticker book

Marie & Poppy make the tree just right!

Marie & Poppy make the tree just right!

Jesse picking out his favorite animal sticker.

Jesse picking out his favorite animal sticker.



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Waking early one morning I leapt out of bed excited about the day. Well… “leapt” might be a stretch. It was less about the leaping and more about a heart full of plans. “Today I will work on the boards with hand-painted verses. I will begin my jewelry project which will add to our upcoming Etsy shop. I’ll make sure to keep the laundry going to catch up from the week-end. If it’s not raining, I’ll get out in the yard and pick up the limbs from the storm. The house needs some attention too, and at some point I’d like to sit down and write.”

Then the phone chimed. Mine is set to a “ting” which sounds like a wind chime. It’s a little confusing on a windy day, but I like it.

Hannah was wondering if I wanted to go with her and the kids to an indoor bounce park.

Oh boy oh boy oh boy! I’m in!bounce

Suddenly my plans were undone and exchanged for something better.

I am such a planner.

As a young couple we had major plans, complete with a ledger pad, goals, dates, figures, and lots and lots of logic. We prayed for wisdom and sought God’s guidance. The Lord answered and led us year after year, undoing some things and completing others.

Currently we are in the most unscheduled, unsure, upside-down state of affairs we’ve ever experienced.

It feels weird and I. do. not. like. it. Somehow all my plans have been discarded in exchange for a bounce house. I think I’m too old for all this. Nothing at all feels stable.


If I’m wise, I will rest in the promise that God has a great plan for us. His ways are as kind as His character. I’m hanging on with a death grip to His Word which assures me of His love… even when I feel like I’m living in a bounce house.

Who knows…

We might have a little fun in the process.

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As I shopped for jeans for my beloved, I noticed this ad in the men’s department, with a caption that says, “The perfect gifts for everyone…”dude

Are you kidding me? Mister ruggedly handsome wades deftly to shore while sporting his new man purse. His shirt, and sweater, are all tucked into his khakis. Who fishes like that?

What man is going to look at that picture and think, “Oh goody! Oh I DO hope I get that outfit for Christmas! What a perfect gift!”

I see that and wonder why he’s out wading in his church clothes. What’s in that man purse anyway? A hair brush and a mirror? I hope he brought a sandwich because I sure don’t see any evidence of fish on his ensemble.

Of course we all know that if we gave our husbands such an outfit the first thing we’d say after they opened it would be “FISH SLIME AND BAIT GUTS ARE HARD TO GET OUT OF A SWEATER! DO NOT WIPE YOUR HANDS ON YOUR NEW CLOTHES!”

Maybe that’s why he carries a man purse

… for his wet-wipes

… and possibly some earplugs if he lives with a woman like me.


I just read back over this and it sounds pretty harsh.

My apologies to the pretty man… bless his heart.

I guess everyone has to make a living.

And a poster with a man dressed like Larry the cable guy probably wouldn’t sell that many sweaters.

… or man purses.

Perhaps that’s why Larry endorses reflux medication.

Now THAT makes sense.

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David was given the best gift last week. His friend Barry found a great truck on Craigslist and needed someone to help him get it home. So off they flew to Las Vegas. My only request of them as they left was “NO FEATHERS!” And no, they didn’t win any money when they touched down there. But they did have a great road trip home, all 2300 miles of it. There’s a lot to see between Nevada and North Carolina. Unfortunately they could only take a few days to do it. So here’s some of what they were able to squeeze in:

  • Hoover Dam as seen through the window of the recently acquired truckphoto (6)
  • A well-known corner in Winslow, ArizonaIMG_0420.JPG
  • An 18oz. ribeye steak in TexasIMG_0569
  • Beale Street and the Gibson Guitar Factory in Memphis, Tennessee
  • Home: There’s no place like it

While David was gone, I learned to:

  • Work the remote
  • Cook buttermilk chicken
  • Make half a pot of coffee
  • Stay by myself

I’m so thankful I didn’t know the trip would take six days when they left. David and I are not like many couples. We actually enjoy each other’s company and have a lot of time together. We’ve spent very few nights apart in our 39 years of marriage. And I’m kind of a fraidy-cat, especially since two homes in our quiet little neighborhood have been broken into lately. The last picture is my security system, complete with alarm.


I’m glad the Lord doesn’t tell us how long our current trial will last. An often quoted verse is Jeremiah 29:11. “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD.” They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”

This morning I noticed what He says just before that in verse 10:

“I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised and I will bring you home again.”

Our current situation includes a lot of uncertainty. Joblessness tends to dropkick us into a state of perpetual Limbo. I’m trying hard not to be a fraidy-cat. We’re both doing our best to see new things and learn stuff along the way. And we don’t know how long this journey will last.

But thankfully it will eventually lead us Home.


The place where those who know us best love us anyway.

There really is no place like it.

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Fantasy Football really messes with me. I love the Carolina Panthers, but I have to put Steve Smith on the bench. For some reason, Cam cannot seem to get the ball to him enough times per game to score more points than my other wide receivers. Therefore my loyalty is divided between the Panthers and the Washington Redskins, who actually do get the ball to Pierre Garcon.

Go Pierre!

Boo Redskins.

The warning against divided loyalty shows up twice in the book of James. In chapter one verse eight it is sited as the reason we don’t get much needed wisdom when we ask God for it. We look to the Lord for His wisdom, knowing it is far superior to anything earthly. Then we revert to the world’s logic. Like a wave of the ocean, we’re tossed back and forth between our hard earned money and our trust in God to provide. Fear foams up and chokes our faith. Instead of giving to meet the needs of others, we hang on to what’s ours… just in case. Suddenly we’re drowning in a sea of materialism and wondering why the world’s logic failed to keep us afloat.

Another place in James where divided loyalty is mentioned is James 4:8. “Purify your hearts for your loyalty is divided between God and the world.” We long for the presence of God. Yet we vie for position amongst our peers. Suddenly the Lord seems very distant.

Pride shouts, “I’ve got a plan! Do it my way. I’ll kick the doors down and make something great happen, all for the glory of God of course.”

Scripture whispers, “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up in honor.”

Too bad I don’t consciously set my team each week like I do on Tuesdays for Fantasy Football. Perhaps if I chose to bench Pride, Fear, and Earthly Logic in exchange for Humility, Faith, and Confident Hope, my loyalty would no longer be divided.

Thankfully the One Who holds my future invites me to ask Him for Wisdom. That sounds like a wonderful game plan!
fantasy football

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There’s a lovely home out Stokes Ferry Road that reminds me of God’s faithfulness. Approximately twenty three years ago, my husband and I both lost our jobs. We were crushed beyond despair. That summer a very kind couple employed us to watch their children, keep up their property, and do some painting. We mowed and scrubbed and painted and cried and prayed and questioned. God saw us through the most difficult time in our marriage to that point. That fall, He provided great jobs in a ministry where we poured heart and soul for twenty years.

Every time I ride past that house I remember how I felt and thank Him again for His provision. It’s my Ebenezer.

1 Samuel 7:12 tells of a time when Israel was being attacked. God threw their enemy into such confusion that they were defeated. Samuel placed a large stone at the battle site and called it Ebenezer, which means stone of help. It reminded them long after their battle was over that Almighty God would fight for them.

Having an Ebenezer comes in handy. I rode by that house today. The same God we trusted to rescue us then will surely rescue us now. You see, David just lost his job with a wonderful ministry we love so much. Our hearts are broken that things have turned out this way.

God is wise.

We will trust Him, because He is trustworthy.

Someday not too long from now, we’ll look back on this difficult time.  We’ll point to another Ebenezer and remember how uncertain these days felt. With a heart full of thanks we’ll rejoice in His provision and wonderful blessing.

But until then…

I’ll keep riding down Stokes Ferry Road.

blog pics Ebenezer 004

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Looking back on the raising of our daughters I have one major regret. We often could not buy all the things we wanted them to have. Holidays like Easter would come and go without baskets of candy. First days of school would proceed as scheduled without “Back to School” shopping. The finances were just not there. I wondered how long it would take them to catch on that their teeth were apparently not worth the going rate of a dollar like their classmates. Poor ol’ Clark Toothfairy spent more than one night scrounging around the car seats looking for a quarter!

Referring to the NBA playoffs between the Miami Heat and the San Antonio Spurs, Jalen Rose commented that one team had been bought and the other was built. Miami ownership could afford to buy the best players available, while San Antonio built their team with hard work, discipline, and excellent coaching.

In the most unlikely of places I suddenly understood. All that time, our family was being built.

If you are part of a young growing family which often has to say “no” to material things, let go of the guilt. Stay busy building character. Take it from an old chick who gets to watch her grown daughters with their own children now. A family built becomes a much stronger team than the one bought!

Praise God for that… and for quarters between the seat cushions!

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The last of our Life Groupies left around 9:30 pm. David and I threw the dishes in the dishwasher and hit the couch. I said with a happy sigh, “It’s been a great week hasn’t it?” Half a second later we looked at each other and burst out laughing. Seems I forgot the little detail of the foreclosure, a heartbreaking day with friends, crazy financial worries, another snake in the yard, etc.

Sometimes all it takes is an encouraging night with friends and life is good again.

Part of the “etc.” and blog-worthy topics last week included:

• The raccoon on the roof which turned out to be a cat or… Call me Mr. Magoo
• We never celebrated flushing until the septic tank backed up
• A bird in the house is worth pee in the pants or…
• How’d that thing get in here and how do we get it out?
• Another dadgum snake in the yard or… The gun that had no bullets or…
• Run get the hoe or…
• Remember the time mama bounced a dull hoe off a snake and made it really mad?
• Doughnut day should be declared a high holy day or
• Our life is crazy but who cares? Somebody loved us enough to bless us with Krispy Kreme!

Surely one of those topics would lead us to the verse that’s turned into our prayer/motto. So here it is without all the fluff:

“Give us gladness in proportion to our former misery.” –Psalm90:15

Because you know…
We never celebrated flushing until the septic tank backed up.

Feel free to Tweet that.


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