
Posts Tagged ‘encouragement’

Winter Hope

Don’t you love seeing daffodils this time of year? Around our house they seem to be popping up everywhere. My neighbor has three large flowerbeds loaded with them. So pretty. Their big ol’ heads nod at the cars passing by like “Look over here! Winter won’t last forever! Hitch up your britches and face this passing season.”
At least that’s what I hear. But I’m a few bulbs short of a full flowerbed.

In our yard we can count on daffodils popping up first in the woods to the back of the lot, then in various places around the house. This year a few rogues sprouted in the middle of the grass in the front yard. We’ve lived here a long time and those have never been there before. I guess they washed in from some random place and decided to bloom where they were NOT planted. There’s bound to be a lesson in there somewhere… though at the moment I can’t think of what it might be. I just know that each morning when I open the front curtains, their presence brings me joy.
Last night just before bedtime we flipped past the news. Generally speaking, I don’t watch it. But this caught my attention. Those who’ve studied Biblical prophecy have known for years that in the end times, right about when Jesus is ready to return, Russia and China will become allies.
Guess what was on the news. Yep. It was the first time I had ever heard of those two countries getting together as a possible superpower. Apparently the world is changing and there is not a lot I can do about it. The way I see it there are two options. I can wring my hands and cry out to anyone who will listen that the sky is falling. OR I can look to the One Who actually controls what’s going on and trust Him.
Today, as I open the curtains to see the daffodils nodding back at me, I rest. Though it is winter and the news forecast is bleak, there is hope for this season. I will continue to walk with the One Who has held my hand throughout my entire life. With His love He has calmed all my fears.
Do you know the Lord enough to trust Him?
It might be time.

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Work Boots

Do you have a mud room? Praise God we do. It’s not real highfalutin with matching baskets and labels for where everything goes. It’s just an old closed in back porch where coats, garden gloves and muddy shoes go. Another good part is that it has a door which can close all that clutter away.

I heard the best song the other morning. Chris Tomlin along with Florida Georgia Line has a song called Forever Home. It speaks of how things will be in heaven. A line from it connected with my soul. Get ready. I’m gonna sing it for you:

“We’ll leave all of our worries just like work boots on the porch…”

What a picture! A place where all the cares of life can be dropped and forgotten as we look forward to a home cooked meal and a sweet time of rest; laughter and conversation around the table with the ones we love. No one brings up the junk of the day or the worries for tomorrow because the time together is just too sweet.

What if we could start that now?
Just as I heard that song, I “happened” to be reading in the last chapter of 1 Peter. Listen to this preview of what things could be like now.
“Casting all your cares on Him for He cares for you.” -1 Peter 5:7

Oh! What a picture of trust in the Savior! So many burdens pile on us at times. Grief and pain seem to have no end.

I can’t handle it!

But He can.

Bless the Lord!

“There ain’t no tellin’ what He’s got in store…”

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Hello Sweet Peeps!

It’s been a while. I won’t go into the wherefore and the whyfore. Let’s just say I’m struggling with a good bit of pain and brain fog. The following short story is meant to encourage those of you who have been there and done that, and especially you who are currently in the midst of a struggle. I don’t much like the story but I always try to write from where I am. For if I can’t be honest, then why write. Right? So here you go. Also a little bit of news will follow. Much love!


Have you ever begged God, pleaded with Him on hands and knees for mercy, but none would come? That’s the place I found myself a few weeks ago. Except I wasn’t physically on my knees because I knew I wouldn’t have the strength to get back up. So much pain coursed through my body that I could not get relief.
“Lord, are you there? I can’t get away from this agony. I can’t even get comfortable in my best chair. Seriously, I NEED You. Can I get a little help here?”
As usual, the heavens were silent.
Though I reviewed and confessed my sins, tried to think of ways to please the Almighty, read Psalms of praise, even lifted trembling hands in search of His help, none came.
Had a doctor walked in and said, “Sorry. The diagnosis is not good. You are dying.” I would have hugged his neck and praised God that the misery would soon be ending.
I couldn’t help but wonder if the Lord had turned his back on me. I can’t remember feeling so forsaken.
In the background the pastor on television spoke of Satan desiring to “sift Peter as wheat.” Sounds about right. I’ve somehow landed on a big ol’ sifter and been shaken until all the parts of me have been torn asunder. Yet the sifting continues. I left the room and tried again to get comfortable somewhere else. Later I asked David. “So what was the point of the message? Where was the Lord when Peter was being ‘sifted?’
My sweet man smiled while tears of compassion pooled in his eyes. “Jesus was praying for His friend.”
I looked at the passage in Luke 33:31. Not only was Jesus praying, it says He was pleading. What was He begging the Father for?
“That your faith would not fail.”
New understanding came with the thought. Apparently it’s important to the Lord that I not give up, that I not question my faith in Him. Because that’s what He’s praying for me.
He loves me, even enough to pray for me.
“Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and He is sitting in the place of honor at God’s right hand, pleading for us. Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean He no longer loves us if we have trouble?” -from Romans 8:34 & 35
Praise God for His great love!
Lord, today I submit again to Your great plan, no matter what that means. And if it could be Your will, I would love for the sifting to stop.


Now’s your chance to get my books at half price, which is cheaper than it costs to print them. BUT ONLY LOCALLY. I can’t do this on Amazon. HOWEVER! While supplies last, Missions Pottery in Lexington, NC at the square and Attractions on Main in Salisbury, NC still have a nice selection. Not to mention, you are going to LOVE the unique items in each shop. Stop by and support our local businesses. Thank you!

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Happy Announcement

I have earth shattering news! Well… maybe not earth shattering, but possibly dish rattling like when the garbage truck empties the dumpster at the Quick-Mart.

My new book is ready! I’m so excited! It’s a collection of short stories like I write for the Salisbury Post but all of them have a common thread. It’s called, The Gut-Wrenching All-Consuming Crapstorm from Hell. No… wait. Make that “Just a Little Cancer Journey.” While I was going through chemo, radiation, etc., occasionally the Lord would give me a word to share. Some of it is funny; some not so much. This is a compilation of those stories plus a few others. The cool thing about it is that I was able to get the book published and priced very reasonably [$4.97 for the printed copy]. AND when you purchase a paperback you’ll get the Kindle version for free. That way you can give away the paperback and keep the e-book for yourself.

I’m a little bit proud of it. Not in a sinful “pride goeth before a fall” kind of way. More like, “Praise God it’s finally finished!” There are only forty short stories in about a hundred pages so it won’t be heavy or too difficult to manage. If you’ve ever been too sick to hold a book, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Plus, each story is only a page or two so it can be read a few minutes at a time.

One of the side effects of cancer treatment is depression. It sucked me down into such a deep dark hole I didn’t care if I ever climbed out. Maybe your loved one is experiencing the same. I really believe the Lord gave me these stories to lighten the load. If you know someone going through a rough patch please get this book into their hands. It is written to give hope, encouragement and perhaps even a laugh.

Two years after my diagnosis of stage two breast cancer, I am still struggling. But by God’s grace I have lived to tell about it. Hopefully by sharing my difficult journey this trial will not be wasted.

Just a Little Cancer Journey will be released on Friday, June 1st, 2018 by Amazon.

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Well here it is, almost the end of January. How about those goals of accomplishing great things in this new year? Are you tired yet?

I am.

I was going to tear loose and paint the kitchen. Nothing drastic, just freshen things up a bit. We live in an old mill house, which I love. But the white kitchen cabinets have about seven coats of paint on them, some of which is nicked and peeling. The kitchen could definitely use a face lift. The bathroom was worse so we started there first. Things always take longer than we expect. But we did it. Oh so fresh and clean! It gave me the motivation to do the kitchen.

Then I got the flu. It lasted just as predicted, fourteen days. By the time I recovered, painting the kitchen was waaayyy down on the list. In fact I decided I kinda like the rustic peeling look. Let’s call it shabby chic.

But every time I do laundry, there’s my paint paraphernalia quietly taunting me. Instead of rejoicing over my fresh bathroom, I sigh over my undone kitchen.

Years ago I worked with an older gentleman who apparently got tired of hearing all his female co-workers whine over the tiny amount of weight we were losing. Even though we were dieting and exercising, the poundage was not melting away as planned. He brought a box of butter and placed it on the conference table during a staff meeting.

“Ladies, when you step on the scales and have dropped only one pound, think of this. It’s a big deal!”

Suddenly we were motivated. Just seeing a pound of butter gave us a better understanding of our accomplishments.

What’s your main goal for the year? Is it to simplify your life? Start with one kitchen drawer. Is it losing weight? Take it one pound at a time. Is it to spend more time with the Lord? Start by praying in the shower. Sometimes that’s the only place you have to yourself.

Long ago a man had a huge task before him. It was nearly overwhelming to think of building the temple of God. The Lord encouraged him with these words.

“Do not despise these small beginnings! For the LORD rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.” –Zechariah 4:10

Don’t give up! Chunk away at your challenges one step at a time. Picture your life next year if you continue toward your goal. The beginnings may be small, but even the Lord rejoices to see your work begin.

One last thing.

Pray about the goal to make sure it is the one the Lord wants you to have. I never did lose weight no matter how often I looked at a box of butter. Mmmm… butter. And there’s no use cleaning out closets and joining the gym all willy-nilly if God would rather you spend that time with Him. Pray this first:

“So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” –Psalm 90:12

May the God of all comfort encourage you in the small beginnings, no matter how insignificant they seem.

Taking one step at a time is a big deal!


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Stop the presses! I did it! NO WAIT! Don’t stop the presses. Keep rolling because ALL my books are now in print! Check them out on Amazon. Search books by Lynna Clark. I am NOT that other Lynna with the big bosomed women on the covers… obviously. So be sure to look for the Blue Meadow Farm series of five. And if you like them, please spread the word for me. I do not have a marketing guru so I’m counting on you. Thank you my friends!

Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?

To view the series click here. Blue Meadow Farm Series

The series starts and ends with a dogwood tree.

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It might be a Southern thing, parking buggies nose to nose in front of the Prilosec at Walmart sharing deep personal issues.

Guilty as charged.

I try to stay out of Walmart because I don’t function well there. Something about crowds and long walks between the raisins and the hair gel ticks me off. How spoiled am I? Nothing against Sam Walton or the fine folks who work there. Thankfully the company has provided much needed jobs for lots of folks who might otherwise be unemployed.

But could someone please shut off the video ads in the aisles so us old people can think?


I bumped into a dear friend whom I’ve not seen in approximately seven to ten. I know what you’re thinking. Either she just got out of prison or she’s not really that dear if I’ve not seen her in that space of time. You would be incorrect on both accounts. We just got busy living life and forgot how much we like each other. Or I could be incorrect and she’s been avoiding me all these years. Hmmm…

So right there in Walmart with buggies nose to nose we talked about wayward children. Not mine of course, as they are all perfect. Through tears we shared the angst of parenting and how it seems that we raise our children to be strong and independent and above all to think for themselves… until they do. That’s when the defecation hits the oscillation.

How dare they question the belief system we’ve poured into their hearts and souls? What is that about?

I loved the wisdom she shared through her pain.

“I’m asking the Lord to take me out of the way of His plan.” She spoke with tears. “For if I can just stay out of His way, He will work this out.”

Wow.ad in wmt

That has become my own desire as well. If I can own the fact that He has a plan which includes me, but doesn’t depend on me, all manner of crapstorms shall be avoided.

So Lord, take me out of the way. Let Your will be done. Work through me as Your tool of grace. You love drawing all men to Yourself. Help me to never get in the way of that.

And please cure the lady of heartburn who tried her best to get something over the counter without interrupting our visit.

Thankfully that is also a Southern thing.

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Is it just me or has television evolved into a reality show nightmare? One can choose to take part in the riveting adventure of pawn shop dealers, alligator hunters or the heart pounding drama of a single woman having to choose between numerous pretty men. What is reality anyway? Is it what we see or what we perceive as truth?

How do we know what is fake? Surely none of the reality shows would be scripted by highly paid writers who have studied ratings and viewer trends. They ARE real, right?

I have to say though, folks looking for beach property within a measly budget of 1.5 million… now that’s worth watching!

Let’s do a little reality check. Look at a few phrases from Colossians 3.

“Set your sights on the realities of heaven.”

 “Your real life is hidden with Christ in God.”

If we claim to trust the Lord for eternity then surely His promises are reliable. Heaven is an actual truthful unscripted real place. As beautiful as the beaches in Costa Rica are, they surely dim in comparison to our future home.

To quote my good friend Randall: “WOWZER!”

What if the One Who loves us began preparing a drop dead gorgeous place for us to retire?

No… make that a place to enjoy FOR ETERNITY!

What if we set our thinking on that place so often that the stuff going on in our own drama filled lives seemed very insignificant?

What if we set up an eternity fund, sending our deposits ahead?

“Now we live with great expectation, and we have a priceless inheritance- an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you…” -1 Peter 1:3,4

Now THAT is wonderful reality!beach reality

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What’s your default setting? Where do you go when nothing makes sense? Do you have a happy place that re-boots your psyche? Christianese would say, “Run to Jesus.” So how do you do that when the bills pile up, the pain is great and prayers seem to go unanswered?

A good friend of mine who struggles with depression will watch a funny movie. Another friend finds great solace in his deer stand. He can sit in the forest on a cold, frosty morning for hours. David will take a long ride on his motorcycle through the quiet countryside. He calls it therapy. Me? Take me to the beach. Give me a day watching the waves and suddenly I’m good for another couple months.

The sweetest story is recorded in the last chapter of John. Seven guys were together after witnessing the horrible death of their friend. Even though they had seen Him alive, and realized that God had raised Him from the dead, their future was very uncertain. Unmet expectations, fear of the unknown and the lingering question of “What now?” made way for hurt and doubt.

Peter reveals his default setting with “I’m going fishing.”

His friends joined him. But after fishing all night their nets were as empty as their souls. With dawn breaking a stranger called out to them the ageless question.

“Catching anything?”

“We’ve got nothing,” was their reply.

“Throw your nets on the other side,” came the familiar suggestion.

With nets suddenly full, memories of provision and care filled their weary souls. Once they hauled in the bounty, they made their way to the shore where Jesus was waiting. There He had a hot breakfast ready for them. Can He get any sweeter?

Here is the Lord of glory, Who has just conquered death, Who understands their fear and emptiness, cooking breakfast on the sea shore for His weary friends.

He’s kind like that. It wasn’t enough to call out a greeting; or to fill their boat with fish; or even just appear to them again in order to let them know everything would be okay. Nope. He cooked breakfast.

That is a picture of our Savior: Grace heaped upon grace.

Just when we cannot take another thing, He sends what we need to fill our empty souls.

Hold on my friend. He will be calling to you shortly. Don’t feel bad if you have to look to Him and reply, “I’ve got nothing.” He already knows. He’s cooking up something special that will be just what you need.

photo credit: Seabert Pittman, my sweet daddy

photo credit: Seabert Pittman, my sweet daddy

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Your back is against the wall. You look in every direction hoping for a way of escape. Nothing good can come from your situation. You wonder how you got to this terrible place. Your heart has been seeking God’s direction, His perfect plan. You begin to wonder if He cares at all.

Hopeless desperation can quickly engulf the soul. It is the undercurrent recorded when Moses led God’s people out of slavery. Exodus 13:17 reveals that the Lord directed Moses straight into a trap.

“When Pharaoh finally let the people go, God did not lead them along the main road… even though that was the shortest route to the Promised Land. God said, ‘If the people are faced with a battle, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.’ So God led them in a round-about way through the wilderness toward the Red Sea.”

Camped against the sea they were exactly where God wanted them. In the distance they heard the thunder of horses pounding the ground, pulling the best chariots of the mightiest army in the land. Facing the reality of certain slaughter they drew their little ones in and held them tightly.

Did God actually take them from the clutches of slavery just to discard them in the horrors of battle? With no military advantage they cowered as the enemy thundered closer. Panic stricken they cried out to God and questioned His care. “Why didn’t you leave us alone? We told You we’d rather be slaves in Egypt any day than corpses in the dessert!”

“But Moses told the people ‘Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the LORD rescue you today. …The LORD Himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.’” Exodus 14:13

It’s hard to stay calm and wait for the Lord to rescue. It’s hard to trust His plan when our backs are against the wall. Questions about His wisdom and our own choices pound away at our hearts like an approaching army bent on our destruction. Do I dare trust that He will fight for me?

Then this happens:

“When the Red Sea saw You, O God, its waters looked and trembled! The sea quaked to its very depths… the earth trembled and shook. Your road led through the sea, Your pathway through the mighty waters- a pathway no one knew was there!” –Psalm 77:16-20

What is your Red Sea? What looms before you that you cannot face alone?

There’s a pathway you cannot see. It’s formed by the mighty hand of God for your miraculous delivery. Call out to Him in faith. He can be trusted to fight your battle and lead you down a path you never dreamed possible.

You are no longer a slave, but a son, a daughter, a child of His own. Take heart dear one as you wait. Be still and know He is God.

 He can be trusted to rescue you before the watching world!

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